Women’s Health Resources

  • Ultrasound Examinations Performed by Nurses Clinical Ed Guide – 4th Ed.
    This updated guide describes the framework for the core content of educational programs and clinical practicums for specific components of standard, limited, and specialized ultrasounds in obstetric, gynecologic, and reproductive medicine. Areas of competence for clinicians in this expanded nursing role are provided.
  • Nursing Care of the Woman with Diabetes in Pregnancy
    AWHONN’s  first evidence-based clinical practice guideline addressing  diabetes,  provides comprehensive recommendations for nurses who care for women with diabetes– types 1 or 2 and gestational diabetes (A1 or A2)–during pregnancy, labor and postpartum, and their babies.
  • Women’s Health Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies
    The Women’s Health CNS Competencies describes the entry-level competencies for all graduates of master’s and doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) programs and postgraduate programs, preparing the women’s health CNS for future certification and licensure.