We appreciate your gift and hope to make the process of giving as convenient as possible. That is why we offer these options to make your donation.
Make a Gift Online
Online giving is safe and secure. Click here to make your gift. You will receive a receipt by email.
Make a Gift by Mail
Please make checks payable to “Every Woman, Every Baby”
Mail to:
AWHONN/Every Woman, Every Baby
1800 M St. NW, Suite 740 South
Washington, DC 20036
Make a Gift by Phone
Call (202) 261-2437 to make your gift by phone using a credit or debit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Make a Gift by Electronic Transfer
The AWHONN staff welcomes the opportunity to talk with you about a variety of giving options. Among these is the use of electronic transfer. Contact us at (202) 261-2437 or mberhanemeskel@awhonn.org to set up the appropriate electronic transfer for a one time gift or ongoing pledge payment.
Make a Gift of Stock
A gift of appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy way for you to make a gift. Make your gift by electronic transfer. Please contact us at (202) 261-2437 or mberhanemeskel@awhonn.org for delivery instructions to make a transfer from your brokerage account to us.
Amazon Smile
Support AWHONN by shopping at AmazonSmile. Just do your regular shopping through our link and Amazon will make a donation to AWHONN at no additional cost to you. Get shopping.
Matching Gifts
Many companies agree to match their employees’ charitable gifts. Speak to your human resources representative at work and inquire about their participation in this type of matching program.
Contact Us
US: 202-261-2437 or 800-673-8499
Canada: 800-245-0231
Email: giving@awhonn.org