As stated in the AWHONN Bylaws, candidates must be full voting members at the time of their application, have been full voting members for at least two years prior to submitting their application and for the duration of their term if elected. Voting members are defined as “All registered nurses with full membership (including Lifetime membership) are voting members of AWHONN.” (E-members, Emeritus and Student members are ineligible.)

For any current elect-leaders considering running for re-election, the bylaws state that elected Section Leaders “may not serve more than two consecutive terms” in the same role (Section Chair or Secretary/Treasurer). Candidates must live in the state for which you are running for the section elected position. Candidates also “may not simultaneously be a candidate for more than one elected office” position.


The following sections will be holding elections for 2026:

January 1, 2026, to December 31, 2028.

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Wisconsin

The process and required documents for a completed application:

All application materials should be submitted electronically via an online form. Please be thorough in completing your application since the application will serve as the basis for creating the Candidate Profile which will appear on the election ballot. The application packet consists of:

  • AWHONN application for section elected position resume or CV
  • Letter of Support from any AWHONN colleague, co-worker, friend or person selected by the applicant other than a member of the Section Nominating Committee, current AWHONN Board of Directors member or Headquarters staff.
  • Familiarity of AWHONN’s Bylaws, specifically areas related to section and chapter governance

For assistance or questions, please contact Nick Stepaniak, Director, Sections and Chapter, at nstepaniak@awhonn.org.

Additional helpful information from the AWHONN Bylaws: Article IX Sections is included below:

Sections have responsibility for program, membership and leadership development within the section in support of AWHONN’s mission and strategic priorities. Program development includes continuing education based on the women’s health, obstetric and neonatal education needs of the members; participating in legislative and regulatory activity, domestically at the state level and the national level; encouraging research activities; and participating in national AWHONN initiatives. Sections support development of new chapters and enhancement of existing chapters and identify and develop leaders, provide opportunities to network, develop leadership skills and experience and plan for leadership succession.


  • Preside (if present) at all section meetings and meetings of the Section Coordinating Team
  • Serve as chair of the Section Coordinating Team;
  • Coordinate section activities and monitor chapter activities;
  • Provide leadership to enable the section to perform core program and fiscal functions as defined by the AWHONN Board of Directors;
  • Provide for orientation and recognition of section and chapter leaders;
  • Submit periodic reports on section program and fiscal activity (including chapter activity) to the AWHONN Board of Directors;
  • Appoint, with Section Coordinating Team approval, other section leaders as necessary to carry out the functions of the section;
  • Perform all other duties usually associated with the office of chair;
  • Ensure section compliance with AWHONN requirements and policies; and
  • Serve as Section Nominating Committee chair in year following term as section chair.


  • Assist the section chair;
  • Preside at section meetings in the absence of the section chair;
  • Ensure meetings are conducted according to Roberts’ Rules and keep the minutes of all meetings of the section;
  • Manage all funds and securities of the section, including funds from chapters, and deposits all monies in the name of AWHONN – [Section Name] at headquarters as designated by the AWHONN Board of Directors;
  • Prepare annual section operating budgets (including chapter activity) for Finance Committee review and AWHONN Board of Directors approval;
  • Submit financial reports to headquarters as required; and
  • Perform all other customary duties of the office and other duties as assigned.