National Nurses Week

This Week, We Give Back to You
Happy National Nurses Week – It’s Time To Celebrate!
We’re excited to celebrate our AWHONN nurses for National Nurses Week, May 6-12. ANA selected the evergreen theme Nurses Make a Difference to honor the varying roles of nurses and their positive impact on our lives. Nurses make a difference as trusted advocates who ensure individuals, families, and populations receive quality patient care and services. Nurses make a difference by influencing and shaping health policy decisions that ensure all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care coverage.
Save 20% on AWHONN Store Items
During National Nurses Week, May 6-13, Nurses can save 20% on items in the AWHONN Store. Get the tools, resources, and gifts you need today.
Use Code NURSEWK24 to Save 20% Today
Free Educational Resources for Nurses:
Free Gift: AWHONN Postpartum Risk Assessment
The AWHONN Postpartum Risk Assessment (V 1.3) is an evidence-based tool for determining hemorrhage risk on admission to labor, prior to birth, on admission to the postpartum unit, and when the patient’s condition changes. Understanding risk factors and how they contribute to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) can have a significant impact on the management and potential treatments for PPH.
Register Today for the Annual Virtual 5k Your Way
Celebrate National Nurses Week with a fun, healthy family activity, and give back to a good cause at the same time! Join us anytime during National Nurses Week for our Virtual 5k Your Way and support lifelong learning for nurses, research that improves nursing practice and patient care, and education and activities that provide information and resources for women and their families. Funds raised from the race go directly to Every Woman, Every Baby, the charitable giving program for AWHONN.
Race Details
When: Saturday, May 7, or anytime during National Nurses Week – May 6-12
Where: Wherever you are! You can complete the race from wherever you’d like.
How to Participate Online: Share your progress with us on social media by sharing photos with your race bib, fitness tracker, etc. using #EWEB5K.
Registration Fee: $25 per person