The 2024 Best of JOGNN Award goes to Kelly McGlothen-Bell, PhD, RN, IBCLC, FAWHONN, lead author of the article “Intersectional Examination of Gender-Inclusive Care and Women’s Health.” Dr. McGlothen-Bell and colleagues generated this call to action to specifically discuss the responsibilities of nurses and nursing organizations to ensure the provision of gender-equitable and respectful care and to generate clinical recommendations for the specialty.
The 2024 Nursing for Women’s Health Excellence in Writing Award goes to Lorraine M. Garcia, PhD, WHNP-BC, CNM, lead author of the article “Content Analysis of Water Birth Policies with Implications for Practice and Research.” Dr. Garcia and colleagues found that the application of evidence-based practice for water birth may be impeded by the significant variation in eligibility criteria and referenced research found among water birth guidance documents. They conclude that the results of their analysis can be used to challenge existing practices that may be arbitrary with no basis in evidence from research.