Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care
The Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care’s purpose is to reduce harm to patients by fostering investigation to better understand the causation of harm; programs and tools to implement patient safety initiatives; education to promote patient safety; dissemination of patient safety information and a health care culture of respect, transparency, and accountability. The Council has 17 member organizations, professional societies representing multidisciplinary healthcare professionals, including AWHONN, ACOG, NPWH, and ACNM.
Coalition to Stop Opioid Overdose
The Coalition to Stop Opioid Overdose is a group of health care, educational, and patient advocacy organizations that share a common goal of passing meaningful and comprehensive opioid overdose prevention legislation.
Free The Pill
Free the Pill is not funded by pharmaceutical companies or the government and is not affiliated with or funded by any political party. Free the Pill is operated by Ibis Reproductive Health, a private nonprofit organization that is working in collaboration with HRA Pharma to apply to the United States Food and Drug Administration to make a birth control pill available over the counter.
Their goal is to provide information and updates about the movement to make a birth control pill available over the counter in the United States. They strive for a pill that is low cost, covered by insurance, and available to people of all ages without a prescription.
Veterans Access to Quality Healthcare Alliance
The Veterans Access to Quality Healthcare Alliance is a coalition made up of professional nursing organizations that support veterans’ access to the care they need and deserve.
The Nursing Community
The Nursing Community is a forum for professional nursing and related organizations to collaborate on a wide spectrum of health care and nursing issues, including practice, education, and research.
Health Professions and Nurse Education Coalition (HPNEC)
The Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition is an informal coalition that advocates for ample support for the health professions and nursing education programs authorized under Titles VII and VIII of the Public Health Service Act. HPNEC believes these programs “are essential to the development and training of tomorrow’s health professionals and are critical to providing continued health services to underserved and minority communities.”
Coalition for Health Funding
The Coalition for Health Funding is a nonprofit alliance of 50 national health organizations that work in a nonpartisan fashion to ensure that health discretionary spending remains highly visible as Congress and the administration set federal budget priorities.
Working with its members that together represent 40 million health care professionals, researchers, lay volunteers, patients, and their families, the coalition seeks to ensure that funding for the programs and agencies that comprise the US Public Health Service is adequate to meet public needs.
Coalition for Quality Maternity Care
The Coalition for Quality Maternity Care is a group of national professional, consumer, and human rights organizations that promote high-quality maternity care for all women and newborns.
Coalition for Patients’ Rights
The Coalition for Patients’ Rights (CPR) consists of more than 35 organizations representing a variety of licensed health care professionals who provide a diverse array of safe, effective, and affordable health care services to millions of patients each year. CPR seeks to counter efforts by the AMA Scope of Practice initiative that is designed to limit patients’ choice of health practitioners.
United States Breastfeeding Committee
The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) is an independent nonprofit coalition of more than 40 nationally influential professional, educational, and governmental organizations that share a common mission to improve the nation’s health by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.
Friends of HRSA
The Friends of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is an advocacy coalition of more than 120 national organizations, collectively representing millions of public health and health care professionals, academicians, and consumers. Member organizations strongly support the programs at HRSA designed to ensure access to health services for each person in the United States and the elimination of health disparities.
Friends of NICHD
The Friends of National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is an independent coalition of over 100 organizations formed in the mid-1980s to support the important role of NICHD. Member organizations represent scientists, physicians, health care providers, patients, and parents concerned with the health and welfare of women, children, families, and people with disabilities.
Nursing Organizations Alliance
The Nursing Organizations Alliance is a coalition of nursing organizations united to create a strong voice for nurses. The alliance provides a forum for identification, education, and collaboration building on issues of common interest to advance the nursing profession.