Hear Tammy Toney Butler’s harrowing journey out of being sex trafficked as a child. Learn the importance of understanding adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the effects of intergenerational trauma. Receive guidance and resources for health care professionals on self-care, compassion, trust, and how to listen survivors.

Warning: This content may be distressing or triggering, especially for survivors of abuse and trauma.

Meet our guests:

Tammy Toney-Butler

Tammy Toney-Butler is a former emergency department nurse and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. She’s a published author and subject matter expert on human trafficking and trauma-responsive care. Tammy, a survivor of child sex trafficking, was transformed by her faith in Christ and is on a mission to empower survivors to start their transformative journey as they find peace, calm, and serenity.

In 2020, Tammy co-founded Nurses United Against Human Trafficking and founded A&K Ranch Ministries. In 2021, she founded Reflective Spaces Ministry, a trauma-focused, prophetic healing ministry in Lee County, FL. In 2023, she launched the podcast Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler.

Tammy is an international speaker on human trafficking and has presented at the United Nations, the World Health Organization’s Year of the Nurse, the American Nurses Association General Assembly, and the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She’s also been retained as an expert witness and network television panelist.

Tammy is active in her advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. and is unafraid to speak the truth about child safety legislative initiatives and the need for reform in this space.

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