Jessica Brumley, CNM, PhD, has been a midwife for 20 years. She’s the Division of Midwifery Director at the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa. In this role, she’s helped to grow a full-scope midwifery service that’s integral to clinical care, education, and research within the College of Medicine OBGYN Department. USF Midwives serves as a sizeable clinical placement site for midwifery students. They partner with Tampa General Hospital to advocate for care practices, tools, protocols, and policies that support family-centered, physiologic birth.
Jessica understands the importance of the midwives’ role within a well-integrated system to provide safe birth outcomes. She coordinates outreach to community-based midwives to facilitate safe and smooth transfers when indicated.
As a partner with the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative, she’s developed and implemented labor support training throughout the state for hospital leaders participating in the Mother-Focused Care Initiative. The focus of these training sessions is on reducing the low-risk cesarean birth rate and applying Respectful Maternity Care.
Jessica has been an active American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) leader for many years. Currently, she’s the ACNM Board of Directors President-elect. Her past roles include serving as ACNM Florida President and Tampa chapter chair. Jessica seeks to strengthen, grow, and diversify the midwifery profession in everything she does.