Educational Advisory Committee (EAC)

The Educational Advisory Committee provides guidance to help AWHONN develop the highest levels of educational products and services to our members, and to assure the engagement and development of nurse educators practicing in women’s health, obstetric and neonatal nursing while supporting those educators working in unique and diverse practice settings.

2024-2028 Educational Priorities

Ensure easier accessibility to educational products.

  • Increase links throughout the AWHONN website.
  • Install a content specific search engine.
  • Develop an AWHONN app providing links to educational resources.
  • Develop a website navigation introduction video that is sent to all members.
  • Promote existing products and increase live webinar offerings.

Guide strategies to ensure structured and comprehensive preparation for new nurses entering the obstetric, neonatal and women’s health specialty.

  • Develop resources based on hospital acuity and volumes.
  • Develop resources based on RN experience level, new graduate or transitioning experienced RN.

Collaborate to explore diverse and additional modalities to bring education to members.

Priority II:

Targeted educational products to identified themes.

  • Category II Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) interpretation
  • Abnormal newborn
  • Labor positioning
  • Obstetric high-risk situations
  • Breastfeeding skills
  • Equitable care delivery
  • Staffing standards
  • Perinatal mood and anxiety disorder (PMAD) Tools
  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Tools
  • Diabetes Management
  • Litigation education
  • How to run simulations
  • How to triage
  • How to be a perinatal leader

Expand opportunities to participate in AWHONN educational offerings.

  • Increase the opportunities for live, in-person, and virtual education on requested topics.

Develop additional bundled educational products.