How to Submit

Gather all documentation and prepare your proposal as described below (A-H). Each Principal Investigator may only submit one (1) application.

Complete the Research Grant Application online form in its entirety and submit at one (1) time. Incomplete entries are not saved and cannot be retrieved by the PI.

Applicants will receive an auto-reply email upon submission. All applications must be submitted as one PDF file.
No applications will be accepted by email.

Proposal Format

A. Conflict of Interest Form

Download Conflict of Interest Form
The COI form must be signed and dated, an electronic signature is acceptable.

B. Table of Contents

The Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring the table of contents and all page numbers for the sections below correspond.

C. Investigator Biography

A biographical sketch of the Principal Investigator and all other key personnel must be included.

D. Abstract

The abstract must be one-page, single-spaced with a minimum text font of 12 points. It is limited to 500 words. The abstracts must use the following headings: Background/Significance, Purpose, Methods, and Implications.

E. Budget and Budget Justification

• Download Budget Form
• The budget form must be integrated into the submission and not sent as separate documents.
• Please number the budget form pages within the proposal.
• Only list titles of Personnel and not names. Do not list the names of the PI or Sub-Investigators on budget form.
• See the FAQs for questions pertaining to the budget forms. If you have other questions, contact the Research Administrative Coordinator prior to the proposal submission due date.

F. Narrative

Length: The narrative is limited to 10 pages. This limit does not include the reference pages. Narratives exceeding 10 pages will not be considered.

Style: Double-spaced with a minimum text font of 12 points, margins must not be smaller than 0.5 on any side.

Content: Each section below should appear in the narrative.

1. Problem Statement/Specific Aims (Up to 1 page)
• Discuss the broad, long-term objectives and what the specific research proposed in the application is intended to accomplish.
• State the research questions or hypotheses to be tested.

2. Background and Significance
• Describe the background literature leading to the present application, critically evaluate existing knowledge, and specifically identify gaps which the project is intended to fill.
• State concisely the significance for a contribution to women’s health, obstetric or neonatal research.
• Explain rationale/framework.
• Identify research design and methods.
• Describe the research design and the procedures that will be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include how the data will be completed, analyzed, and interpreted.
• Provide a tentative sequence or time-table for the project.

Please Note: The methods section should be organized in the following manner: design, sample (include power analysis), instruments (include reliability and validity of tools), and procedure.

G. References

American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format. All references should be relevant and current literature.

H. Appendices

It is required that the proposal submission includes:
• Research instruments related to the proposal
• Letters of support that address available resources and/or feasibility of the project. Each letter must be on official letterhead, signed, and include the contact information of the supporter.
• Approved/Exempt IRB or an email or letter from the IRB committee that states your IRB application has been submitted for approval or exemption.

Grant Proposal Important Dates

Proposal Submission Due Date: December 6, 2024 at 8 pm Eastern Time

Final IRB Approval/Exemption Due Date: February 28, 2024 at 8 pm Eastern Time
Please send to Marc Arucan at

Please Note: Applicants are advised NOT to include license numbers or social security numbers on applications.